Design-Build vs Design-Bid-Build (The Two Project Methods Compared)
There are Two Sides to Every Coin Which side is right for you?
You have identified some key considerations (budget, what your design needs to say, the role media will have, the power of light) for planning your new studio! Now, it’s time to select the project approach that is right for you.
Here’s a quick look at the pros and cons for each method…
Scenic Design/Build
Client hires design/fabricator team under a single contract.The design/build team designs, fabricates, installs the project from beginning to end.One of the biggest benefit to this approach can be significant time savings through schedule compression.Another benefit is managing client’s budget expectations along the way through real time pricing exercises between designer and fabricator.
Scenic Design – Bid – Build
Client hires scenic designer and fabricator separately, under two separate contracts.Designer assists client in writing and issuing fabrication bid and selecting fabrication partner.Since design is completed prior to fabricator being brought onto the team, there may be a period of redesign necessary to bring the design (and client’s expectations) back in line with the project’s budget. Main benefit in establishing a competitive bidding landscape for your project is having multiple bids from which to choose the lowest qualified bidder and fabrication partner.