5 Factors to Planning a Successful Broadcast Studio

1. Underestimating the overall project budget can be easy. It is important to be aware of the impact of both hard and soft costs including: base building infrastructure upgrades, lighting, scenery and professional design fees.
2. In designing a success broadcast scenic environment, flexibility is key. When designed as an immersive 360-degree environment, a set should have a level of built-in flexibility relating to reconfiguration of scenic elements and shooting positions.
3. With AV technology playing such an integral role in defining the “on-air” presence of scenic environments today, it’s critical to have the right partner on board that can not only help specify the proper equipment but also understand this important interconnectedness with the scenery.
4. Investing in quality lighting equipment and control systems as well as a professional lighting designer is critical to expressing all of the scenic elements on-air. A well-designed studio will only look as good as it is lit for the camera.
5. Design-Bid-Build versus Design-Build? Be familiar with the differences between these project delivery methods. Carefully evaluating the advantages and differences of each for a given project prior to deciding which path is the best, can save a client time, money and frustration.